One halved scone on a plate topped with jam and cream. Tray of scones in background

Have you ever tried making lemonade scones? I know it sounds weird, but I promise you they are wonderfully fluffy and on the delicate sweet side. You simply can’t eat too many of them. Try this super easy scone recipe today - it’s fast, uses minimal ingredients and will make everyone happy! Because who isn’t happy when they’re eating a scone with jam and cream?



Lemonade scones recipe

PREP: 10 mins | COOK: 10-12 mins


3 1/4 cups self-raising flour
1/4 cup caster sugar
Pinch of salt
1 cup lemonade
1 cup cream

To serve:
Raspberry jam
Cream, whipped


  1. Preheat your oven to 200ºC fan-forced. Mix together flour, sugar and salt. Pour in lemonade and cream and mix until a shaggy dough forms. Flour a clean surface, tip the dough out, and gently knead until it’s only just coming together. Form a flat shape around 2-3cm high.

  2. Use a scone cutter (or if you prefer it rustic, just cut them up with a knife) to cut your scones. Gently form together leftover dough and keep going until it’s all used up. (If there’s a scrap or two that makes its way to your mouth, that’s called cook’s privilege.) Place scones on a lined baking tray - close together so they rise upwards rather than outwards. Choose the smallest baking tray you have that will fit them all.

  3. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until only just kissed with a light golden colour. Serve with jam and cream.

Top down image of a scone halved and topped with jam and cream. Tray of baked scones peeking in from the top



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